We have long relationships with clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. We maintain these relationships with success managers who know your business intimately. They work with our innovation team who is constantly looking for opportunities to improve your business.
Tap or hover below to see project specifics.
Sprint Mobile
(Cellular Company)
Custom eCommerce Platform
Sprint needed a custom ordering platform for their 4,500 retail stores. It needed to control what they were able to purchase and provide budgets. The platform had an exhaustive SalesForce integration to provide a seamless solution to their existing business rules.
(Fast Food Franchise)
eCommerce collaboration
Wienerschnitzel had an existing WordPress site. They hired us to add content to a new WooCommerce shop and coordinate fulfillment.
We launched on time and within budget. We also coordinated and facilitated the fulfillment of the retail items
Infinium Spirits, Inc.
(Spirits Company)
eCommerce Platform
Infinium needed a ordering platform for their internal employees. This platform facilitated marketing and promotional material distribution.
MVC Church
(Orange County Church)
Website Design
Mountain View Church had a obsolete WordPress theme and a slow site. We re-designed their site using current technologies and increased their load speed dramatically.
Ultra Mobile
(International Talk, Text & Data Plans)
Web to Print Platform
Architected a Web to Print system in Yii/PHP allowing them precision control of their digtial and print assets.
Ultra stores were able to customize brand marketing pieces while staying within brand guidelines by using a web interface with specific rules.
(Camera Technology Company)
Custom ERP Platform
Architected an ordering and fulfillment platform in Yii/PHP allowing global product distribution from 3 continents.
The ERP had specific business rules dictating what employees could purchase and how much money was allocated in their budget.
Yamaha Motors
(Powersports Company)
Custom Integration Proprietary ERP
Founded a dealer ordering platform that integrated with their home-grown ERP. The integration pulled business rules and budgets which dictated the ordering platform user experience.
Hero Distro, Ltd.
Cannabis Distributor)
Custom ERP Platform
Architected a node.js and Vue.js WMS/ERP system controlling compliance, tracking inventory and burn rate.
Automated state agency required labels, ensuring compliance for clients with stringent state regulations.
Alcatel Mobile
(Cellular Company)
Custom LMS System
Created a "Learn and Earn" LMS system which educated Alcatel stores on new products and rewarded them with credits to purchase POP and swag.
People's OC
(Cannabis Brand)
Website Design
People's is vertically integrated in the Cannabis space including retail, manufacturing and cultivation. We helped with upgrading their users ordering experience.
OleSmoky Moonshine
(Spirits Company)
B2B eCommerce
OleSmoky needed a B2B eCommerce ordering platform that would accept business rules. Order restrictions, purchase approvals, customer budgets and payment terms were the major requirements for this system.
(Marriage and Family Therapist)
Website Design
The client wanted a clean, minimalist site for a small budget and an area to blog.